Heritage Symposium - When everything moves
Over 160 heritage professionals were inspired during the symposium 'Als Alles Beweegt' (When Everything Moves), organized by the Province of Groningen and other partners of the Heritage Program Groningen on September 19th at the Schoolkerk in Garmerwolde. The reason for the event was clear: when everything moves, as it has in Groningen over recent years, heritage professionals face urgent issues and unique challenges.
Congress Bureau Friesland was tasked with collaborating with the working group to present these issues in a creative program. The result: a symposium filled with inspiring speakers, unique site visits, and a strong focus on sometimes unorthodox and innovative solutions that will preserve our heritage for the future.
Poet Renée Luth opened the symposium with a beautiful poem. After a welcome speech from Deputy Susan Top, three inspiring speakers took the stage. Then, it was time for nine excursions to heritage locations throughout the province. Equipped with a bag featuring the printed poem, local treats, and a filled thermos, participants boarded buses that took them to various heritage sites for lunch, tours, and a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.
Upon returning to the Schoolkerk later in the afternoon, Tessa Cramer passionately spoke about how the complex themes of our time cannot be solved within the existing systems and ways of thinking. She guided the audience into the mindset of a futurist.
After a well-attended debriefing drink, participants boarded the shuttle bus with a "frietje to go" (fries to go) that took them to the parking lot or bus pickup point.
Thanks to the brilliant weather, it was a day with a golden touch, as the goal of "bringing heritage professionals and stakeholders together to share knowledge and learn from each other" was achieved with flying colors.